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What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and why is it the Future in treating ill health?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or TMS is a painless and effective clinical treatment whereby the activity in the brain can be influenced painlessly and non-invasively by means of fluctuating magnetic fields. Short and harmless magnetic pulses emitted from a magnet gently placed over the head reach part of the brain, passing unhindered through the scalp and skull bone. These magnetic waves are just like those used in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans.
In TMS, precise and focused magnetic pulses neuromodulate (i.e. inhibit or facilitate) nerve activity in specific targeted brain areas. This process occurs through the natural physics principal called electromagnetic induction. Electromagnetic Induction was discovered by Physicist Michael Faraday in London in 1831 and has several applications in our lives.
This evidence based treatment has truly revolutionised the way we treat mental and physical symptoms and disorders over the past decades. Thanks to TMS, thousands of grateful patients worldwide finally live well as they continue to successfully overcome issues such as depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), chronic pain, migraines, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and so much more.
Overall success through TMS therapy
Patients who reported a more positive mental health state soon after just a few TMS sessions
Growing TMS Research for the Treatment of

Suicide & Self-Harm
Swiftly diminishes suicidal & self-harm thoughts & behaviour to save life & limb; allows the person to be taken care of at home under supervision, often avoiding the debacle of being forcefully admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

Improves mood, reduces tiredness & fatigue, increases brain function & reconnects weak contacts in the brain.

Reduces excessive & uncontrollable worry, reduces tension & overthinking, improves the quality of your sleep, has a calming & relaxing effect & revitalises you.

Reduces overthinking & tension, reduces obsessional thoughts, reduces repetitive compulsive behaviours, reduces anxiety & mood fluctuations with a calming & relaxing effect.

Reduces cravings and drug use, restores damaged nerve cells in the brain & increases brain function that may be weakened due to the use of these substances.

Reduces exhaustion, alleviates pain, relaxes tense muscles, improves quality of sleep, less disability & better quality of life.

Migraine diminishes within the first session; disability, nausea, light & sound sensitivity are decreased; quality of life improves with complete resolution of a migraine attack.

Helps cure associated mood and anxiety problems; better focus & eye contact, improves concentration & memory, improves speech & helps with social interaction.

Reduces nightmares, flashbacks, social withdrawal, anxiety, mood swings & heightened reactivity to stimuli; all subside with a calming & relaxing effect.

Helps as part of a comprehensive management plan to diminish pain, assisting the crippled person from being dependent on others, to get on with his life activities & be happier.

Assists in preserving mental (cognitive) functions such as memory, judgement, language, making wise & safe decisions; boosts independent living in the early stages of dementia.

Eating Disorders
Helps stabilise the eating centres of the brain so that the person eats only when needed without putting on weight; regenerates the person’s perceived body image to feel good about herself.

Low Self-Esteem
Fortifies & replenishes the low opinion one may have of oneself which is frequently a common concurrent denominator in many physical & psychological problems, enabling the person to have a refreshed & reinvigorated look towards life, achieve more & indirectly promotes healing of any concomitant disorders.

Personality Disorder
Assists in healing the hurts these people have by treating specific components of their behaviour to help them get through the day successfully by avoiding dreaded thoughts & destructive behaviour; this helps them feel better, perform better & get on better with others.

Damaged nerves are ‘bypassed’ or repaired in conjunction with a multi specialist team to help regain movement, independence & serenity; provides indirect relief to carers.

Other Disorders
Presently, the US National Library of Medicine lists close to a 1000 ongoing studies about how TMS is being studied in nearly 500 physical & psychological disorders. Among others, TMS is being shown to help restore function in patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease, auditory hallucinations, tinnitus, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, brain injury & schizophrenia apathy. Studies are also underway to enhance one’s capability in sports, at work & at school.
TMS is proven to be more effective in conjunction with antidepressants, compared to antidepressants alone, with a 68% positive response rate 1 compared to just 47% in the case of antidepressants alone 2.
- Dunner, D. L., Aaronson, S. T., Sackeim, H. A., Janicak, P. G., Carpenter, L. L., Boyadjis, T., Brock, D. G., Bonneh-Barkay, D., Cook, I. A., Lanocha, K., Solvason, B., & Demitrack, M. A. (2014). A multisite, naturalistic, observational study of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for patients with pharmacoresistant major depression: Durability of benefit over a one-year follow-up period. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 75(12), 1394-1401.
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