
See how TMS patients have already benefitted

“I haven’t seen my cousin excited about life in years! Truly appreciate your kindness Dr. Xuereb and the team”

- 42 year old Electrician from Munxar

“TMS has helped my life vision become much clearer”

- 36 year old HR Executive from Rabat

“Grazzi għat-TMS, nista’ ngħid li erġajt ġejt it-tfajla li kont qabel, ferħana u b’enerġija.”

- Studenta ta' 22 sena mill-Mosta

“After just a few TMS sessions, my mood changed and my anxiety subsided!”

- 34 year old HR manager from Marsaxlokk

“I barely ate, never brushed my hair or teeth, and refused to get out of bed. Now I look forward to starting my day”

- 57 year old Pharmacist from Marsalforn

“I am back to my old happy self who I had forgot existed in me! I highly recommend TMS!”

- 61 year old Social Worker from Żebbuġ

“I have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety for months and TMS has changed me for the better. Don’t be afraid to reach out!”

- 34 year old Paramedic from Zabbar

“After years of dealing with treatment resistant depression, TMS has provided me with relief”

- 42 year old Company Director from Naxxar

“X’ħin għamilt it-TMS konta d-dipressjoni, aktar għinitni”

- 36 year old Interior Designer from Fgura

“Thanks to TMS, I learned how to live, not just exist! It helped me see how capable I was and to look at the positive, not just the negative.”

- 25 year old Physiotherapist from Msida

“Wara it-TMS bdejt inħossni aħjar milli kont qabel ma bdejt inbgħati bl-anzjeta”

- Assistant Manager ta' 34 sena mix-Xemxija

“Finding TMS therapy was a turning point in my mental health journey”

- 63 year old Pharmacist from Tarxien

“Qed inħossni ħafna aħjar, veru rajt differenza!”

- 35 year old Nurse from Nadur

“I expected TMS to make little difference, but not this much! The whole thing was a wonderful experience, I’d recommend it to anyone”

- 41 year old Architect from Mqabba

“After TMS, I am sleeping much better and I am now able to brush my worries off much easier”

- 42 year old Receptionist from Dingli

“Kont inħoss rasi tqila bil-ħsibijiet u issa m’għadnix! Bit-TMS, inħossni nista’ nkompli b’ħajti fl-aħħar. Grazzi.”

- Inġinier ta' 37 sena minn Valletta

“Wara t-TMS, inħossni iżjed f’paċi miegħi innifsi. Neħħietli ħafna ħsibijiet negattivi.”

- Nurse ta' 33 sena mill-Balzan

“Minn wara t-trattament tat-TMS, qed inħossni trankwilla u b’moħħi iżjed mistrieħ.”

- 46 year old Lecturer from Fgura

“Qed inħossni kuntenta bija nnifsi għax f’kull aspett li kont qed insofri fih, ħassejt kambjament kbir.”

- Shop Manager ta' 34 sena minn Rabat

“Sibt sapport kbir mingħand it-tim tat-TMS. Kienu verament t’għajnuna u ħabbejt il-kumpanija tagħhom. Grazzi tal-paċenzja kbira li tieħdu bina. Veru nies iddedikati!”

- 66 year old Book Keeper from Tarxien

“Qabel it-TMS, lanqas kont nista’ naqra paġna minn ktieb għax ma nikkonċentrax. Issa, sirt nagħmel siegħat naqra u nieħu gost nidħol fl-istorja”

- 63 year old Lecturer from Pembroke

“Qabel ma bdejt it-trattament tat-TMS, kont insibha veru diffiċli biex nagħmel sempliċiment telefonata u llum il-ġurnata, m’għadiex problema!”

- 35 year old Scientist from Mellieħa

“Kont xettiku meta bdejt it-TMS, imma ma nistax nemmen il-bidla u l-mirakli li għamlet għalija. Grazzi mill-qalb!”

- 51 year old Director from Swieqi

“Minn mindu bdejt it-TMS, sirt inħossni veru rilassat. It-toqol tal-problemi ħfiefli ħafna. Grazzi mill-qalb!”

- Accounts Clerk ta' 45 sena minn Marsascala

“Kont inqum dejjem imdejjaq filgħodu u issa kemm ilni nagħmel it-TMS, sirt inqum veru tajjeb!”

- Store Manager ta 46 sena minn Attard

“Bit-TMS issa m’għadux idejjaqni l-istorbju u d-diskors. Verament bellezza mort bit-TMS”

- Accountants Clerk ta 36 sena minn Valletta

“With TMS I started feeling happy with even the little things! It has made my life brighter”

- 26 year old Marketing Assistant from Sliema

“My mood has changed a lot! With TMS, I am much more positive. A big thanks to the team as it was a lovely experience”

- 32 year old Credit Controller from Kalkara

“TMS was a breakthrough and a relief to get in touch with my inner self again”

- 37 year old Architect from Mosta

“Thanks to TMS, instead of letting my fears get the best of me, I am now in control”

- 36 year old Accountant from Dingli

“TMS sessions are helping me big time!”

- 51 year old Hotel Manager from Naxxar

“Before TMS, I couldn’t even stay in a room with the door closed, but now it doesn’t bother me anymore!”

- 58 year old Secretary from Dingli

“I now have motivation to do my day to day things that, before TMS, were very hard and challenging”

- 25 year old Student from Sliema

“Today is my mother’s last session of TMS and she’s feeling much better and we’re all very happy for her!”

- 35 year old Vet from Rabat

“Bit-TMS, ma bqajtx infittex is-sodda”

- Pensjonanta ta' 68 sena minn San Pawl il-Baħar

“Please continue what you’re doing as this experience is added value to me. You’re changing my life.”

- 35 year old Financial Officer from San Ġwann

“The change is unbelievable! I am more focused and calmer”

- 21 year old Student from Sliema

“After 5 years of being an anxiety sufferer, TMS has helped me take control of it and reduce it.”

- 29 year old Marketing Officer from Qrendi

“Bit-TMS, inħossni mort tajjeb. M’għadnix ninkwieta bħal ma kont qabel u nħossni iktar irrilassat”

- Pensjonant ta' 68 sena minn Tarxien

“TMS is the best thing I ever did. It has completely changed my self-esteem in such a positive way”

- 33 year old Healthcare Worker from St. Venera

“I really liked how I was starting to feel better after TMS and I feel like I got my life back from it. It has been missing for a long time”

- 28 year old Receptionist from Fgura

“My depression was consuming me, I could not breathe but from the first time I did TMS I felt like I was no longer trapped”

- 44 year old Mother of two from Żurrieq

“Wara 36 sena, ġibtuli ‘l żewġi bħal li kieku ġdid”

- Housewife ta' 34 sena min-Nadur

“Inħoss moħħi tbattal mill-ħsibijiet esaġerati li kien ikolli u issa jien nista nistrieħ u nkompli b’ħajti”

- Nanna ta' 5 minn Ħaż-Żabbar

“Not only can my wife now remember what I said 30 years ago but also what I was thinking when I said it!”

- 64 year old Bank Manager from Floriana

“A huge big thanks to Dr.Mark Xuereb for introducing TMS to me.It really helped and cured me from my daily anxiety and panic attacks.Thanks to Michela for the session with her!”

- 19 year old Student from Paola

“Thanks to TMS, I have finally started to believe in myself again”

- 16 year old Student from Ħamrun

“Illum lestejt it-TMS! Inħossni ħa nerġa’ nibda ngħix mill-ġdid”

- Dentista ta' 44 sena mill-Mosta

“TMS has really helped and cured me from my daily anxiety and panic attacks”

- 53 year old Teacher from Zabbar

“TMS therapy has changed my life! Thank you!”

- 33 year old Graphic Designer from Qawra

“TMS therapy has been a game-changer for me. It’s like a fog has lifted and I can finally see clearly again!”

- 40 year old Dermatologist from Mosta

“Meta għamilt it-TMS, ċertu tewdin u ħsibijiet żejda, għinitni ħafna fihom”

- Data Analyst ta' 27 sena minn Marsaxlokk

“I decided to give TMS therapy a try, the experience was very relaxing and it actually worked!”

- 36 year old Physiotherapist from Iklin

“After his TMS sessions, my husband was a completely new person”

- 59 year old Manager from Vittoriosa

“Thanks to TMS, I manage to complete all of my work efficiently and can now handle all I need to do.”

- 36 year old Pharmacist from Luqa

“With TMS, I can now focus on what I am doing and I am feeling creative once more!”

- 31 year old Graphic Designer from Lija

“TMS helped reduce my tendency to overthink things. I now no longer find it difficult to talk to new people.”

- 32 year old Care Worker from Manikata

“TMS has helped me greatly with my overthinking. It’s no longer an issue for me to speak to new people – I’m no longer insecure.” 


- 25 year old Student from Pieta'

“TMS helped me overcome my overthinking. I feel more confident now, especially when meeting new people and starting conversations”

- 27 year old Student from Iklin

“Thanks to TMS, I can handle my problems much better than before!”

- 48 year old Artist from St. Julian's

“Ħassejt li t-TMS għinitni ħafna f’aspetti differenti, speċjalment fl-istress tal-eżamijiet!”

- Student ta' 19 sena minn Marsascala

“Bit-TMS, erġajt ġejt bniedma ġdida!”

- Housewife ta' 67 sena mill-Mellieħa

“Bit-TMS, rajt kambjament kbir. Issa nħossni li nista’ nkompli b’ħajti!”

- Sales Representative ta' 38 sena minn Xagħra

“It-TMS għinitni nagħraf li jien kapaċi u llum inħossni ħerqana li nqum filgħodu biex nibda ġurnata ġdida”

- Carer ta' 36 sena miż-Żejtun

“Bil-kalamita m’għadx ikolli tferfir qabel ma mmur ix-xogħol”

- Interior Deisgner ta' 29 sena minn Ta' Xbiex

“Bit-TMS erġajt bdejt il-ħajja tiegħi”

- Għalliem ta' 35 sena minn Kirkop

“Thanks to TMS, I am calmer, less fearful and happier!”

- 30 year old Shop Manager from Msida

“TMS has helped me sleep much better at night since I had a lot of difficult sleeping and was even scared of it. TMS reduced my anxiety greatly”

- 45 year old Financial Controller from Xewkija

“Mort ħafna aħjar bit-TMS. Qed ikolli determinazzjoni biex immur ix-xogħol u ngħix, fejn qabel ma kien ikolli aptit ta’ xejn”

- Gym Instructor to' 31 sena min-Naxxar

“Before TMS, I went from bed to sofa and from sofa to bed. TMS gave me the boost I needed to change my life. I am so glad I did it.”

- 38 year old Assistant from Qrendi

“Minn mindu għamlet it-TMS, il-mara bdiet timxi ‘l quddiem u ma baqgħatx dejjem fis-sodda. Kont ilni ma narahha hekk. Grazzi lit-tim kollu tal-Neuromodulation Clinic”

- Negozjant ta' 64 sena mill-Mensija

“My life has got so much better after TMS. I feel clear, light and happy”

- 33 year old Housewife from Ħamrun

“Jien għandi ħafna stress minħabba x-xogħol. Bit-TMS issa nħossni ħafna aħjar”

- Avukat ta' 44 sena minn Victoria

“TMS helped me to release my anxiety, feel peaceful, calm and free”

- 27 year old Lawyer from Senglea

“Kont nibża’ mit-TMS, imma mbagħad rajt tibdil mil-lejl għal-nhar”

- Pensjonant ta' 64 sena miż-Żejtun

“With TMS, I feel that I can face my challenges without fear and anxiety. I fully recommend it”

- 30 year old Mother of two from Żejtun

“After just 3 sessions, I am no longer overwhelmed by my muddled thoughts”

- 27 year old Technician from Birkirkara

“The treatment has been very beneficial to my spouse. There has been significant improvement in his outlook to life. He copes far better with daily work. For me, this treatment was a substitute to having him hospitalised again and it was a godsend”

- 45 year old Baker from Gudja

 “TMS is really the best solution for such problems according mostly depression and headaches. You’re helping people lives without thinking and suffering. Thanks again. TMS really works.”


- 21 year old Builder from Valletta

“TMS has changed my life. I have reduced my medication by half and my quality of life has improved”

- 56 year old Pilot from Sliema

“Bit-TMS għamilt kambjament enormi. Erġajt ġejt kif kont qabel. Ilni ma nħossni hekk żmien twil”

- Architect ta' 47 sena mill-Mosta

“After Thetaburst TMS stimulation, I feel I have gained the energy that I had before I lost my parents 15 years ago. Also, my relationship with my son is much better since I am much calmer and more focused. I’m performing a lot better at work and have even managed to stop smoking”

- 33 year old Mother from Marsa

“TMS has give me myself back after just three sessions”

- 41 year old Hairdresser from Sliema

“TMS reduced my anxiety completely and made me feel more sociable and confident”

- 20 year old Student from Birkirkara

“Thanks to TMS, I am making very good progress. I’m not feeling sad. I am not living with scope, and I’m even sleeping very well at night.”

- 32 year old Clerk from Xemxija

“It is incredible what TMS does. Definitely feeling like me again”

- 31 year old Executive from Msida

“The first time I came for TMS I was suffering and my depression could be seen by everyone that met me but by my third session I was smiling and laughing and feeling like my old self”

- 55 year old Accountant from Sliema

“I know I can turn to TMS when my life takes a negative turn”

- 38 year old Lecturer from Buġibba

“After TMS, my problems don’t seem like it is the end of the world anymore”

- 23 year old Social Worker from Xemxija

“After TMS, I feel weightless as if I am floating in water”

- 20 year old Musician from Qormi

“TMS is working. It’s changing my life. It’s changing life for my girls and my husband. I feel like i have a second chance at life”

- 23 year old Mother from St. Paul's Bay

“With TMS, we have seen improvement in her mood and co-operation. We are all so happy. Thank you!”

- 27 year old Carer from St. Venera, speaking about her grandmother

“The results from TMS have been amazing. Now I can get on with my life without anxiety holding me back. My concentration and sleep pattern are normal. A huge burden has been lifted”

- Businessman ta’ 40 sena minn Birżebbuġa

“TMS has changed me a lot, for the better. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help!”

- 55 year old Company Director from Naxxar

“Grazzi għat-TMS, tgħallimt nara l-pożittiv tal-ħajja, mhux in-negattiv. Tgħallimt ngħix mhux neżisti!”

- Pulizija ta' 40 sena minn San Ġwann

“Since starting TMS, I have stopped suffering from the persistent headaches I used to have day and night”

- 36 year old Architect from Attard

“I feel like I’ve reclaimed my life back!”

- 25 year old IT Manager from Nadur

“Bis-saħħa tat-TMS, bdejt inħossni ħafna aħjar. Tant rajt differenza kbira li għall-bidu qas ridt nemmen!”

- Gym Instructor ta' 34 sena minn Rabat

“Qabel ma bdejt it-TMS u t-terapija, minn filgħodu sa filgħaxija newden u issa m’għadnix! Grazzi”

- Technician ta' 37 sena minn Iklin

“L-uġigħ kbir li kien ikolli f’rasi sparixxa meta bdejt it-TMS. M’għandi l-ebda dispjaċir li għamilthom! Grazzi ħafna.”

- Hair Stylist ta' 33 sena minn Sliema

“Thanks to TMS, I am finally living and I am in love with life, both the good and the bad.”

- 39 year old Lawyer from Manikata

“The whole combo, meaning therapy and TMS couldn’t have come at a better time during the crisis I was going through”

- 65 year old Pensioner from Qormi

“I was always looking forward to my TMS sessions, as they helped me feel more relaxed and content.”

- 33 year old Teacher from Rabat

“Before TMS, I always felt the need to be alone and kept to myself. Now, I feel more outgoing and it’s easier for me to make friends and socialise!”

- 27 year old Nurse from St. Paul's Bay

“Following TMS, I now have a clearer vision on how to control my emotions and fears which are turning into prospective challenges”

- 46 year old Pharmacist from Mellieħa

“Since finishing TMS I feel free, happy and I am able to make more commitments in my life!”

- 50 year old Bank Manager from Xemxija

“Grazzi lit-tim tat-TMS ta’ kollox! Il-familja kollha grata lejkhom għas-sapport li toffru”

- 48 year old Sales Manager from Attard

“Grazzi għat-TMS, fl-aħħar qed jirnexxili nġib lili nnifsi bħala prijorita’!”

- HR Manager ta' 34 sena mill-Qrendi

“Thanks to TMS, I now have much less intrusive thoughts! Getting out of the house and socialising is not an issue for me anymore”

- 36 year old Banker from Balzan

“Tajjeb ħafna din il-magna għax ma bqajtx naħseb u biha għollejt anke s-‘self esteem’.”

- Risk Manager ta' 30 sena minn Paola

“Qabel it-TMS kont inħossni 1/10, jiġifieri ħażin ħafna. Wara t-TMS, inħossni 9/10 u iktar. Grazzi u proset!”

- General Manager ta' 35 sena minn St. Luċija

“Bit-TMS, il-memorja marret għall-aħjar, l-ansjeta naqset ħafna u għandi iktar enerġija!”

- Graphic Designer ta' 30 sena mill-Imtarfa

“TMS has helped me find all the lost bits and pieces of myself that I had lost along the way”

- 41 year old Marketing Manager from Sliema

“TMS helped me take control of my anxiety and get rid of my OCD problem”

- 32 year old Carpenter from Żabbar

“I initially had a slight headache which vanished within half an hour. However, thanks to TMS, I am now a different person altogether”

- 25 year old Teacher from Victoria

“Kif għamilt it-TMS, sibt xogħol u rnexxieli ngħum wara 20 sena”

- Delivery Man ta' 29 sena mir-Rabat

“If I could go back and talk to my depressed self, I would say ‘Do not hesitate. Get the TMS therapy and make that change'”

- 56 year old Nurse from Żurrieq

“It-TMS mhux lill-mara biss għen imma lill-familja kollha”

- Manager ta' 48 sena mill-Mosta

“Jien xogħli huwa li nieħu ħsieb lil ħaddieħor imma bit-TMS inħoss li ħaddieħor qed jieħu ħsieb lili”

- Nurse ta' 34 sena mill-Imsida

“Inħossni niffunzjona aħjar wara t-TMS”

- 70 year old Pensioner from Valletta

“Wara t-TMS, erġajt lura għan-normal, hekk kif kont qabel”

- Housewife ta' 65 sena mill-Fgura

“Fil-passat kont attiv ħafna imma hekk kif għadda ż-żmien u r-responsabbiltajiet tax-xogħol u tal-familja żdiedi, iktar sirt anzjuż. B’TMS inħossni li erġajt jien”

- Business Owner ta' 50 sena minn Birkirkara

“TMS treats my PTSD very well. It always helps me restore balance and I end up feeling so much better”

- 37 year old Father from Żebbuġ

“TMS has helped me manage my anxiety and stopped my IBS”

- 18 year old Student from Mosta

“With other factors such as dietary changes I feel the treatment has greatly improved my anxiety and depression. The staff is also proficient with their duties.”

-74 year old Retired Businessman from Mosta

“With TMS, my son has a fresh new outlook. It’s the first time in years that he feels like going out for jogs and swims”

-68 year old Housewife from Msida

“TMS has helped me get back on track after many years of anxiety and depression. I can’t remember the last time I felt so optimistic, clear headed and solution focused!”

- 35 year old Businesswoman from St. Julian's

“After the second TMS session, the symptoms of IBS have completely disappeared! I had tried almost everything to help me with its pain and discomfort but nothing worked. I am still pleasantly surprised and very content that TMS completely healed my IBS.”

- 40 year old Kindergarten Educator from Bidnija

“With TMS, my anxiety became good stress”

- 29 year old Quality Assurance Specialist from Mqabba

“Kont inħoss id-dinja ħa taqa’ fuqi u bit-TMS issa mhux inħossni ħażin u mdejjaq”

- Skrivan ta' 25 sena minn Għajnsielem

“Bżajt mit-TMS imma sa mn’Alla għamiltha!”

- Housewife ta' 47 sena mill-Belt

“It’s been worth every penny. Absolutely worth every penny. I don’t know what else I could have done… TMS has saved my life. I have no doubt about that”

- 41 year old Laborer from Marsa

“Kont nibża nagħmel it-TMS imma issa naf li dan iħallini nerġa ngħix”

- Construction Worker ta' 36 sena mill-Mellieħa

“TMS has changed my whole life. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for TMS”

- 57 year old Factory Worker from Birkirkara

“TMS changed my brain, it gave me the ability to make daily choices unhindered by the heavy weight of depression”

- 41 year old Teacher from Ħamrun

“TMS helps me reduce the amount of medication I take. It helps me get better and has no side effects”

- 28 year old Software Developer from St. Julian's

“Għad fadalli ħafna imma wara t-TMS diġa bdejt nara l-affarijiet b’lenti differenti”

- Artista ta' 40 sena minn Buġibba

“After just three TMS sessions, I have been able to think so much clearer”

- 26 year old Student from Paola

“Bit-‘thetaburst’ TMS verament imxejt ‘il quddiem. Xoghol li jisthoqqlu tifhir ghax inhossni tajjeb hafna”

- Librar ta’ 60 sena mill-Gżira

“When Dr Xuereb offered to try TMS for my mother we knew that it could or could not provide the result we wished for. We arranged a total of 30 sessions and having now effected 20 sessions I am able to see my mother come back from the doldrums she was in. Her zest for life is coming back and I must clarify that all during the TMS treatment time never did we alter her medication which she had already been taking and which seemed to help very little so I know for sure that it is the TMS that worked. Thank you Mark you are making people’s lives so much better through your initiative.”
- 50 year old Lecturer from Sliema

“After Thetaburst TMS stimulation, I feel I have gained the energy that I had before I lost my parents 15 years ago. Also, my relationship with my son is much better since I am much calmer and more focused. I’m performing a lot better at work, and have even managed to stop smoking”
- 37 year old Shop Assistant from Senglea

“If I could give more than 5 stars I would. When Mark suggested I try this therapy early last year, I was a bit skeptical, but he assured me that it was pain and meds free, and I trusted him. Thank goodness I did. Just last year I was so depressed I barely took care of myself… I barely ate, never brushed my hair or teeth, and refused to get out of bed. Now I look forward to get out of bed in the morning. I am now a mental health campaigner and have been to several events thanks to this. I urge others to speak up about their mental health problems to get their second chance in life by trying rTMS. Thank you for giving me a second chance, Dr Mark!!!”
- 34 year old Accountant from Bidnija

“If I could give all the stars in the sky I truly would.I have been suffering PTSD due to many traumatic events in life. To name but a few are abduction of 4 young daughters,a 24yr struggle to reunite,the death of my father, the struggle to save my children through the Libyan war. Then the horrific death of my younger daughter and her baby. I then went on to write a book in the hope it would help me move on. Nothing ! Then the bulldozer started ? That’s the only way I can describe it. I realized I had only been existing surviving. Then Mark introduced me to TMS and WoW ! Along with Mark’s trusting caring and welcoming nature I am overwhelmed to announce that I now feel safe again sercure contact. My days have meaning again my nights are peaceful. I have that Sunday feeling again, I’m happy excited and looking forward again. What more can I say I will be forever grateful to Mark and TMS. Thank you so very very much. God bless Mark and thanks God for TMS.”
- 59 year old Nurse from Iklin

“I had been suffering from depression for years and no anti depressants seemed to help. Doctors used to tell me that I just have to cope and learn how to live with it. Just as I was almost about to give up all my hopes to someday be happy again , Dr. Mark Xuereb suggested that I undergo the TMS treatment with his amazingly caring and loving team. After one session I started to feel good and after ten complete sessions, I’m back to the old happy person who I had forgot existed in me. I highly recommend it as it’s a miracle worker and don’t be afraid to reach out for help! You are not alone !! 🙂 thankyou Dr Mark , Simone and Michela , you gave me my life back 🙂 xxxxx”
- 44 year old Lab Analyst from Mellieħa

“If there is a 10 star I would definitely choose that! This treatment is life changing . I have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety for months and this has changed me a lot to the better . Dr.Mark whom I can say is the ideal psychiatrist consultant referred me to TMS and all I can say is WOW. After just a few sessions my mood changed and my anxiety subsided. Don’t be afraid , TMS is non invasive . All I can say is thank you , thank you, thank you!”
- 29 year old Beautician from Għarb, Gozo

“I have been suffering from acute headaches for these last three years. Did all the check ups , took medication and went to England to a specialist. Unfortunately my headaches kept on persisting night and day, leaving me conditioned with my situation. Heard about TMS and went for a consultation to Dr Xuereb and suggested to start treatment. Since then I did not suffer from headaches. Thank you for your help.”
- 38 year old Salesman from Marsascala

“Grazzi ghal Dr.Mark u t team li huwa profesjonali jien nista najd li ergajt gejt it tfajla li kont qabel dejjem happy go lucky nammetti kelli nistenna z zmien biex nara r rizultat imma ma jiddispjacini xejn!!! Bl ghajnuna t Alla u ta dawn in nies taslu taqtaw qalbkom qatt zommu dejjem sodi u b tama qawwija. God bless all”
- Għalliema ta’ 24 sena mix-Xlendi

“After Thetaburst TMS stimulation, I feel I have gained the energy that I had before I lost my parents 15 years ago. Also, my relationship with my son is much better since I am much calmer and more focused. I’m performing a lot better at work, and have even managed to stop smoking”
- 37 year old Shop Assistant from Senglea